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When there is something to say
Wonderous Stories Catalogue 2012

We like to believe that Wonderous Stories was born in the complex and dynamic European context in which we live in today. But the truth is that it was born in the attic of what we call the Small House. We started from the general fear of anything strange, unusual or rare. And we called it Xenophobia. This catalogue is not a description of what happened. It has been designed in order to give you, the viewer, an impression or a feeling of the atmosphere of Wonderous Stories. You may like it or not; our advice is once you have reached its end to take a moment to reflect and ask yourself:  IS IT?

Publication Concept & Editing: Elena Tudorache

Publication Design: Rabbit Knows

Publication Review: Andrew Hannes

The Nature of Media Exchanges

With the photo contributions of young people from Vilnius, Birzai, Thessaloniki, Budapest, Ommen, Warsaw and Frattamaggiore: A treatise on the nature of media youth exchanges… An examination of the Physical, Digital & Mental Reality  of the events.

Text by Miki Ambrozy & Andreas Hannes

Artistic Direction by Andreas Hannes

Design by Ulrich Sara

Photography by Various

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