How close would you go? And where?

Andreas Hannes
Development & Performance Antonia Steffens & Andreas Hannes
Advice & Technique
Burkhard Körner
Kostas Hanis
Special Thanks
Frits van Driel and his team for the construction.
Supported by
Photography by
visual-artifacts.eu (Feb2015)

Two people in a place, moving to another. The view changes from the feet to the hair, to the contact, to the absence. It could be a Sunday morning in a bed or a dull prison time, a relief or a slowly shifting tension. There is an exclusion that brings the invitation for an encounter. A contact with limits or maybe that reaches limits. There is a touch between them that seems dangerously soft. They can be looked closely, voyeuristically. The eyes of the secluding audience touch them as they move higher and higher to be watched from yet another angle, yet again another place of encounter.
Privacy, vulnerability, trust and fragility are being addressed through the intimate encounter in between the audience and the performers themselves. Through the almost cinematic images of the body that are revealing new places and spaces, Heterotopia, is a research on the potential of perspectives, the eye’s movement and focus. We wonder how far the invitation of entering a space can go and whether the audience will follow the pathways of the body or even touch the parts that are there, exposed in minimum distance from the eye.
HETEROTOPIA had its first presentation as work in progress on the 20th of February 2015, during the 24hrs marathon event of the Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten and was persented once again on the 13th of November 2015.
>>> Take a look at the essay and lecture on HETEROTOPIA by Nicole Kruger and Tarryn Joel,
students of Visual Communication at the Open Window Institute in South Africa.