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Constructing the memory of an utopistic childhood


Written and directed by Ambrózy Miki

Performed by
Ambrózy György, Ambrózy Virág, Darvas Ilona Katalin, Alexis Tsiamoglou, Caroline Daish, Maxim Daish-Belay

Photographed by

Boris Belay, Ambrózy Miki (Hungary)
Cinematography by

Sebastien Koeppel (Belgium)
Sound mastered by

Patrick Codenys
Edited by

Rudi Maerten
Music by

Kostas Hanis
Choreography by

Andreas Hannes

Endgame is a performance video extract from the experimental documentary "Fabric of Time" by Miki Ambrozy. The movie takes us to 1980s Hungary through sound recordings, photographs and performative re-enactments of childhood. By means of a three-layered structure, the cinematic experiment implicitly talks about the author’s point of view on his family’s history and domestic conflict, while constructing memories for the years purposefully forgotten.

For more information about Fabric of Time check here

Official Selections & Awards


>Winner of the Wildcard for filmlab in 2013 (Vlaamse Audiovisueele Fonds)

>Avant-Premiere | Cinema Aventure: Four Films | 16/10/2013 | Brussels, Belgium

Masters Screening | Sintlukas-Gallerie (in a loop) | 29/10-8/11/2013 | Brussels, Belgium

>VAF Wildcard (filmlab) Screening | International Short Film Festival Leuven | 7/12/2013 | Leuven, Belgium

>SIC Public Presentation 2013 | 19/12/2013 | Beursschouwbourg, Brussels |


>East in the West – Short Films by Graduates – Balassi Institute Brussels | Brussels, Belgium

>Extrapool Nijmegen:The Cinema of Gestures  |  Nijmegen, Netherlands 

>Athens Video Dance Project (“Endgame”)  |  Athens, Greece 

>KASK cinema Het grote ongeduld xtra | Ghent, Belgium 

>KK Gallery Brussel Selectie Belgische eindwerken experimentele kortfilm & multimedia | Brussels, Belgium 

>Le Cube: Anthropologies Numériques 2ème edition | Paris, France

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